Smith's story

Smith has settled in so well with Kieren and I. He is one of the happiest dogs I've ever had. He is always excited to see us when we come home and always greet us with a happy smile and an affectionate hug. We absolutely love him. I've enrolled him in training at the

local dog club, which he is thoroughly enjoying. We go every Sunday morning for two hours

which they told me on Sunday that he's getting fat!!! How rude! :-) and we get a 15 minute break

and all he does in the break is play with all the other dogs! He is such a social dog and loves people and other animals. He has made a friend at the dog club

a boxer named Leica. He gets so excited when he sees her and they run around after each other. We have already moved up a class and are now out of the beginners class. On Friday evenings they run flyball and agility runs which I'm thinking of entering him in just for fun.

I hope you like the photos (he is a hard subject to take photos of as he never sits still). I still look at the DCH website every now and again and always see that you've got new dogs.

Thanks. Hope all is well.

Smith was adopted on 14/8/05 after 2 months in foster care.

Smith was adopted on 13 August 2005 after 1 month in foster care

See Smith’s profile »

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Animals in our Care

These animals have been rescued from various pounds and shelters by volunteer Foster Carers who provide the animal with a safe haven until they can be permanently rehomed. They are located throughout Sydney, Australia.

Please note that descriptions of breed, age and size are given in good faith and are based on assessment of the animal's features, together with veterinary opinion. We cannot guarantee the age and breed of any animal listed.

Added: 18 May 2024